JOHN BAPTIZING AT THE JORDAN (Aviv [1st Hebrew Month])
John 1 – John 2:12
The Apostle John’s Intro
John the Baptist’s declaration,”Make straight the Way of the Lord” (1 day prior to Aviv)
1st day of Aviv, 1st month of Hebrew New Year – John the Baptist announces “Behold the Lamb of God”
Two of John the Baptist followers (John and Andrew) become Jesus‘ disciples
2nd Day of Aviv – Jesus gathers 3 more disciples, Peter, Philip and Nathanael
“On the 3rd Day” (of Aviv) – Wedding at Cana, Prophetic picture of Jesus returning for the Wedding Feast
1st Miracle – Turning Water into Wine
John 2:13 – John 3:21
Jesus makes a scourge of cords and drives out the money changers
“Destroy this temple, and in three days will I raise it up!”
Nicodemus comes to visit Jesus by Night
“For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth [pisteuo = trust] in him shall not perish, but have everlasting life”
John 3:22 – John 4:2
Jesus‘ disciples baptize, though Jesus does not
John the Baptist testifies of Christ, “He must increase, but I must decrease”
John 4:3 – John 4:54
Jesus meets the Samaritan woman and offers her Living Water
Jesus‘ disciples ask if he has eaten, “My meat is to do the will of him that sent me, and to finish his work”
2nd Miracle – Jesus Heals the nobleman’s son
FEAST OF PENTECOST (JERUSALEM, Shivan [3rd Hebrew Month])
John 5
3rd Miracle – Jesus Heals the paralytic at the pool
Jewish leaders seek to kill him as he healed on the Sabbath, and equated himself with God, “the Son can do nothing of himself, but what he seeth the Father do”
Jesus provides 5 witnesses of himself, John the Baptist, The Father, the works, the scriptures, Moses’ writings (the pentateuch)
John 6
John 6:4 does not belong in Bible
4th Miracle – Feeding of the 5000
5th Miracle – Walking on the Water
Jesus teaches at the synagogue in Capernaum, “I AM the Bread of Life”, “he that eateth of this bread shall live for ever [zoe life]”
Despite these hard saying, his disciples stay with him, including Judas
John 7-John 10:21
Jesus‘ siblings go to the feast openly, Jesus does so in secret, as the Jewish leaders sought to kill him
Jesus causes division among the people [Liar, Lunatic or Lord?], he points out the Jewish leader’ hypocrisy for wanting to kill him, they sought to take him,“but no man laid hands on him”
John 7:53-8:11 should be after John 7:36 and before 7:37
The Woman caught in the act of adultery, :Neither do I condemn thee: go, and sin no more”
John 7:37, the last, great day of the feast, Jesus continues to teach in the temple, “I AM the Light of the World”
Jesus bears witness of himself, as does his Father, Jesus says to those that trust him, “If ye continue in my word, then are ye my disciples [mathetes = pupils] indeed, and ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall set you free”
The Jewish leaders refuse to believe, their earthly father may be Abraham, but their spiritual father is the devil [Tree of Life vs Tree of Knowledge of Good & Evil, and their respective fruits]
They seek to stone him, and so he passes by and immediately encounters the man blind from birth, John 9
6th Miracle – Healing a Man Born Blind
Jesus heals this man’s physical blindness, and later his spiritual blindness
In contrast, the Pharisees believe they see, and remain spiritually blind
As we prepare for John 10, note that Jesus is still talking in the presence of these Jewish leaders. John 7:1 – John 10:21 is one long sequence which occurs over the Feast of Tabernacles and ends with John 10:21, “Others said, these are not the words of him that hath a devil. Can a devil open the eyes of the blind?”
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