
John Chapter 10 Study Notes

Topics discussed: Who is the thief of John 10:10, false religion, Hanukkah, the regions of hell, and powers & principalities.

Contrary to popular teaching, the thief of John 10:10 is not Satan.
Understand the context.  John 7:1 – John 10:21 is one huge passage occurring at the Feast of Tabernacles.  The original Greek did not have chapter breaks.  At the end of “Chapter 9”, Jesus just healed the man born blind, and the Pharisees ask if they are blind also.  The beginning of “Chapter 10” is a continuation of his response, and he gives 3 separate parables (John 10: 1-6, 7-10, and 11-18) contrasting himself with these false religious leaders.  The only connection to Satan is perhaps the wolf in v12. Thieves and robbers (false religious leaders) who are strangers VS. The Shepherd, who knows the sheep and they know him
————————————————————————————————————- The Thief (false religious leaders), who comes to steal, kill and destroy (profit off the people, and deny/take away the zoe (eternal) life) VS. The Door, whereby we enter in and are freely given the zoe (eternal) life
Good shepherd
Zoe - life (Ezekiel 34 condemning the false shepherds of Israel v2-3, 9-11 and prophesying the Good Shepherd Jesus v22-23)
————————————————————————————————————- Hirelings (false religious leaders) who do not care for the sheep and flee upon trouble VS. The Good Shepherd who will lay down his life for the sheep
the good shepherd(2)
This drawing of “The Good Shepherd” is from under the catacombs in Rome, 3rd-4th century, where the early Christians worshipped in secret.  We didn’t get to it in the study, but early depictions of Jesus, had him as dark-skinned, beardless, and with short wooly hair.  Think more Denzel Washington, rather than the long, light-haired, light-skinned, bearded man portrayed in most drawings today: (Original images of Jesus suppressed by early Catholic Church)
Early drawings of Jesus (later drawings of Christ were based off Cesare de Borgia, wicked son of Pope Alexander VI)
adopted image of jesus
False Religions
Judaism – denies that Jesus is the Christ , vs 18-29
Islam – denies that Jesus died on the cross, rather one that appeared to be him ,,31
Buddhism – believe in karma, no need for atonement of sin,
Hinduism – millions of gods (which are actually demons),
Roman Catholicism – (Alberto Rivera, former Jesuit priest revealing some of the secrets of Catholicism – I do disagree with what he says of the Apocrypha, discernment needed)
catholisim vs Word of God
Zionist Movement within Christianity – watch out for pastors like John Hagee, who will have you worship secular Israel, more than Jesus, 
False teachers
22And it was at Jerusalem the feast of the dedication, and it was winter. John 10:22
We now move on to Hanukkah, not one of the original feasts in Leviticus, but came to be celebrated later on when the Maccabees retook and restored the temple. (Antiochus Epiphanes, a picture of Antichrist, wants one world government and religion, desecrates the temple with a statue of Zeus, sacrifices swine’s flesh, and oppresses true believers) (God’s people overcome unlikely odds through prayer, retake the temple, and create a new feast of dedication (Hanukkah), I believe a picture of the true believers’ eventual victory over Antichrist)

27 My sheep hear my voice, and I know them, and they follow me:
28 And I give unto them eternal life; and they shall never perish, neither shall any man pluck them out of my hand.
29 My Father, which gave them me, is greater than all; and no man is able to pluck them out of my Father’s hand.
30 I and my Father are one. John 10: 27-30

When Jesus gives us the zoe eternal life, we are in Him and He is in us.  We are one with Him and the Father.  There are 2 types of people in this world, those who Unify (“blessed be the peacemakers”, “Father… thy will be done, on earth as it is in heaven”), and those who Divide (lovers of self, those who do their own will – ie. most of humanity).  Our ultimate goal in this life is to be vessels of Christ, and see His will be done.  In His physical body, He could only achieve so much, but when He went up, and returns to inhabit our Temples (ie. bodies), via the Holy Spirit, He achieves so much more.  We are meant to be one body.  This is why forgiveness is so important, because it would create division, and make one into two, which has no place in the body of Christ. (Christ Lives in Me, by John G. Lake, revolutionary teaching)



34 Jesus answered them, Is it not written in your law, I said, Ye are gods?
35 If he called them gods, unto whom the word of God came, and the scripture cannot be broken;
36 Say ye of him, whom the Father hath sanctified, and sent into the world, Thou blasphemest; because I said, I am the Son of God? John 10:34-36

The phrase, Ye are gods, refers to Psalm 82:6,  This is a complicated teaching and I HIGHLY RECOMMEND watching this 4-part series, Supernatural Seminar by Michael Heiser.  While God, or more specifically YHWH, is Almighty, there were other gods in the Congregation of the Mighty / Heavenly Council.  These are also sons of God (some of the same sons of God from Genesis 6, The Fallen Angels who mate with human women and create offspring called Nephilim – Giants, that were hybrids of men and angel).  I will leave further explanation to Michael Heiser, but will tell you this teaching is CRITICAL, to having a proper worldview of powers, principalities, demons, and our power to overcome these by the Holy Spirit (Christ in us) (Supernatural Seminar, Pt 1, Michael Heiser, God’s Original Council – Family) (Supernatural Seminar, Pt 2, Michael Heiser, What God wanted on Earth) (Supernatural Seminar, Pt 3, Michael Heiser, Divine Rebellions and their Fallout) (Supernatural Seminar, Pt 4, Michael Heiser, Work of Jesus & the New Testament)
More links related to study: (Secular Israel is brought about by the Illuminati as Satan’s counterfeit, God allows it, but it certainly is not who Hosea 3:5 is referring to, .  When true Israel, the Overcomers, return to the land, they will worship God and David their king, a type of Jesus.  Secular Israel today is not doing that) (Mike Winger on Why God Hardens Hearts) (The Book of Enoch, I’d recommend reading the whole thing, but as for early highlights:
   Ch.6 Fallen Angels mate with women (as in Genesis 6, evil follows 
   Ch. 10, Fallen Angels sentenced to watch their offspring, the Nephilim (earthborn), die, starting 500 years before the flood, and then the fallen angels would be bound for 70 generations (ie. 70 x 70 = 4900yrs), flood is generally dated 2348 BC +/- 30 – 500 + 4900 = 2023 – 2083 AD (or right about now)
   Ch. 17-24 Journey through Hell, Tartarus (where Fallen Angels held in chains), Paradise (place for the righteous dead), Sheol (place of torments for the unrighteous dead, 3 divisions), Lake of Fire (final fate for fallen angels) (someone had sent a prayer request for the Canadian National Year of Prayer)