
Acts Chapter 25 Study Notes

Daniel 3 as a picture of the End Times…
v1 -Nebuchadnezzar, King of Babylon, a type of Antichrist
-the image of the beast, 66 cubits high
-historical Babylon, a type of Mystery Babylon
v2-3 – the rulers of the world then followed Nebuchadnezzar, in the End Times, they will follow Antichrist
v4-5 –  when the music plays, the entire world is made to worship
-music is frequency, and notice how the 5G towers went up during Covid?  They also play a frequency, and 
have put people into a trance (recall the election, and how the cities, full of 5G, have lulled the city-dwellers 
to follow the liberal, woke, antichrist agendas of the NDP.  The cities went orange while the rural areas stayed blue)
-see Rumble NCI Testimony of Magda Havas to learn more about these towers… 
-we talked about Satan being the Prince of the power of the air, and how and his demons speak through these frequency waves, and the multitudes of people now having increased
anxiety, depression, suicidal thoughts, transgender thoughts, etc.
-these come as “automatic thoughts” from their own mind for most, but for the more perceptive, outside “voices speaking to them”
v6 – those who do not worship this beast, Mystery Babylon, or antichrist, are cast into the fiery furnace (Fire in the bible is a picture of refining, making pure, Trial by Fire)
v8-12 – certain Judeans, Shadrach, Meshach and Abednego, do not bow down to the King of Babylon or his system, but rather worship the true God
-today, there are people who worship Mystery Babylon [confluence of kings / human leaders / governments / religions / demons] VS. those that worship the true God [and the Way of salvation he made for us, believing on His Son, Jesus Christ]
v13-18 – those that worship the true God will not give worship to Mystery Babylon (even though the rest of the world is) and will trust God to deliver them out of Mystery Babylon’s hands
v19- this enraged Nebuchadnezzar, as it will enrage Antichrist, and tribulation will follow…
v20 – mighty men in the Old testament is a common reference to giants. Regardless, powerful men will come after those who worship the true God
v22 – but there is no need to fear those who come after you, for God’s refining fire will protect you from them
v24-25 – Jesus will be with us through the fire, through the tribulation.  There is no pre-tribulation Rapture.  God doesn’t have us ESCAPE THE FIRE… He gets us THROUGH THE FIRE!
v26-30 – and when the rulers, and people, see what God does for those who trust in Him, many will come to God as well…
“For the whole creation waits for the manifestation of the Sons of God” Romans 8:19
“But if I do them [miracles], though ye not believe me, believe the miracles, that you may know and believe that the Father is in Me, and I in Him” John 10:38
“And greater works you shall do than these, for I go to My Father” John 14:12 
-the End Times are spoken of as a great harvest, and having that relationship with God, where the Holy Spirit lives in us and speaks to our heart, will allow us to be willing vessels for Him.  We spoke of how people can be influenced, possessed, and even subjugated by wicked spirits, but the symmetry is, we as believers can listen to, be enabled by, and be in submission to the Holy Spirit.  This is God’s calling for our lives, to be willing vessels for Him to work through.
One last topic was “Listening to your Heart”, vs “Listening to what God puts on your Heart”
-these are 2 very different things
-Listening to your Heart is what Disney and Modern Culture push
-but as Jeremiah 17:9 says: “The human heart is deceitful above all things and desperately wicked: who can know it?”
-you have to understand, that we are Triune beings, Body, Soul and Spirit.
-Our heart (in Hebrew, heart=mind) is basically coming from our soul – it is our mind, will and emotions
-the problem is that it comes from us… we think we know what’s right, but could very well be wrong… all human beings are like this
-we can lie to ourselves, and convince something we feel in our heart is good, when it’s actually bad
When “God puts something on our heart”, or more specifically the Holy Spirit who is supposed to live inside of us, this comes from God, not ourselves
-that is a big difference, because what God puts on our heart, will always be the right thing to do
-I like the phrase “Love says Go”, if God puts a good thing to do on your heart, don’t rationalize out of your soul why you shouldn’t do it, but rather, do it immediately and see where it leads
-The Holy Spirit knows things we don’t know, and when you learn to listen to Him, He will always lead you in the right direction
-Again, my favourite prayer… “God, I’ll have whatever you have for me today”… always put yourself in a position where you are ready to be obedient