These topics were discussed during and after the Bible study
Antichrist changing the times and seasons:
Sabbath from Saturday to Sunday, Day change from 6pm to 12pm, Months of the year where Sept, Oct, Nov, Dec used to be the 7th-10th months of the year (clue is names mean 7,8,9,10 in Latin) to now the 9th-12th months of the year, Jesus’ birth was 3 BC but was placed 3 years later
We talked about Jubilee years (every 50th year),
the 120 yr prophecy in Genesis 6, and the three ages of human history of 2000 years each (40 years, which stands for trials in the bible, x50 Jubilee years each, ie. 40×50=2000). Read
Leviticus 25 for an understanding of Jubilee years, basically every 7 years was to be a Sabbath year of rest, and after 7 x 7 years, was a 50th Jubilee year of rest as well (so 2 years of rest in a row)
As discussed, the last Jubilee year on record was 23BC, with 24BC being a Sabbath year, as per William Whiston’s footnotes on Josephus:
2 This famine for two years that affected Judea and Syria, the thirteenth mid fourteenth years of Herod, which are the twenty-third and twenty-fourth years before the Christian era, seems to have been more terrible during this time than was that in the days of Jacob, Genesis 41., 42. And what makes the comparison the more remarkable is this, that now, as well as then, the relief they had was from Egypt also; then from Joseph the governor of Egypt, under Pharaoh king of Egypt; and now from Petronius the prefect of Egypt, under Augustus the Roman emperor. See almost the like case, Antiq. B. XX. ch. 2. sect. 6. It is also well worth our observation here, that these two years were a Sabbatic year, and a year of jubilee, for which Providence, during the theocracy, used to provide a triple crop beforehand; but became now, when the Jews had forfeited that blessing, the greatest years of famine to them ever since the days of Ahab, 1 Kings 17., 18.
Adding 50 to each of those years (there is no 0BC year, it goes from 1BC to 1AD), would put the 7th Sabbath year as -24+50+1 = 27AD, and the Jubilee year as -23+50+1 = 28AD. Note that during these years, Jesus would attract HUGE crowds (eg, feedings of the 4000 and 5000, + women and children), because they were years of rest with no one working. Forty Jubilee years later will be 2028AD.